The newspage

03/03/2010 01:06:24 UTC+01:00

Major update

Not really sure where to start, as much has changed since the last time I updated this website. As always, there's not that much to notice on the outside, but if you were to look under the hood, you'll notice there's a whole new engine.

So, what has changed?

  • A lot of code rewriting
  • PHP5 compatibility (leaving PHP4 behind)
  • Better database structure
  • OpenID implementation
  • RSS feeds
  • CKEditor instead of FCKeditor

Code rewriting

PHP is evolving into a mature programming language, and it would be a pity not to evolve with it. Version 5 is a lot more faced towards object oriented programming, which opens up a lot of doors for us, programmers, to create something that we're actually proud of.

Also, because support for PHP4 has halted, there's really no choice to make: you have to keep your code up to date, as PHP4 will slowly disappear from the webservers. I suspect that this will leave a lot of website owners frustrated, as their site won't work anymore.

Database structure

Bad database structure... a problem that starts to appear because of rapid program development. There are always things you didn't think of - or just didn't seem important - in the beginning, but became interesting (or even needed!) in the long run. Sometimes you just have to press CTRL+A, Delete, and start over. It will be worth it in the end.

OpenID implementation

While the hype has passed a little bit, I still believe in OpenID, and think it is a step forward in common website usage and even security. Because of this belief, I have implemented an OpenID consumer into the CMS, making it possible for visitors to login with an OpenID provider they trust. No passwords are stored here, as the OpenID provider does most of the work.

At the moment, using OpenID isn't really that user friendly from a visitor point of view. Instead of using a username and password, the visitor has to remember their OpenID url. I tried to make it a bit easier by letting them select the provider they know, generating their OpenID url. You can see how this works on the right of the website: just click on "Login with OpenID"!

It's sad that major websites like Microsoft's and Facebook are making their own authentication system... I just hope there'll be some kind of unified (and open!) sytem in the future, making it a bit easier for the visitors.


I know... RSS feeds are so '90ties, and this website doesn't even has one. Starting today, there's no excuse anymore for not reading my posts. Just subscribe to my RSS1, RSS2 or Atom feed, and you won't miss one post...


I still think the name change was a bad idea, but the difference with the previous version is just a lifetime. It's amazing how fast CKeditor is loaded into the web page!

24/02/2010 01:00:00 UTC+01:00

Allergisch voor berken

Berken allergie en een lap grond vol met berkebomen... we moesten dus zorgen voor een oplossing. 't Is heel spijtig, maar we hebben geen enkele boom overgelaten.

Dat hierdoor ook plaats gemaakt is voor het huis, is natuurlijk mooi meegenomen.

  • picture
  • picture

06/02/2010 01:00:00 UTC+01:00


  • bekendmaking

Het heeft een tijdje geduurd, maar eindelijk dan toch een update: de bouwaanvraag is goedgekeurd!

De gemeente vraagt dat de bekendmaking goed zichbaar en op ooghoogte geplaatst wordt. Om het bordje op ooghoogte te krijgen, moet je er wel even bij gaan zitten ;-)

Aan de linkerkant zie je dat de buren al heel wat zijn opgeschoten. Bij ons begint het ook wel al te kriebelen...

IEZY is a PHP and mySQL based object oriented content management system.
Copyright: Ben Van Aerde. (Stealing is baaad, mkay?)

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