I noticed something new on my Gmail page: a link to Google Reader.
This application can keep track of a collection of your favorite websites with their according news items... in other words: it's a news aggregator.
I have been using one for quite some time, but just stopped using it because I always forgot to open the application...
Now I'm using it on my personalized Google homepage: this way I'll never forget to watch them :)

Ubuntu's next release is scheduled for April 19th.
This is the first time I'm waiting for the stable release... meaning I'm quite happy with Edgy for now.
For those that can't wait... you can already download the latest beta.
When the final version gets released, it will automatically be installed when updating.

If you're a big fan of the stealth-based Thief series (like me), you're going to love this project: The Dark Mod.
It is a total conversion for Doom 3, giving it the look & feel of the original games.
Better yet: it has the graphics of Thief 3 (Deadly Shadows), and the the dark medieval atmosphere of Thief 2.
I'm going to keep an eye on this one...