It's been a while since I posted something here. I know it's a cliché, but really: I've been busy! But, I've found some time in between to work on the CMS this website is running on. A lot of code has been reworked... stuff that has been in there for ages, and I never got to coding it properly.
I hope to implement the changes soon. Visitors probably won't even notice...
3.26.09 Germany, Lübeck @ Riders Cafe
3.27.09 Netherlands, Enschede @ Red Ribbon Rock Festival
3.28.09 Netherlands, Drachten @ Club Iduna
3.29.09 Netherlands, Goes @ t’ Beest
3.30.09 Belgium, Antwerp @ De Rots !!!
3.31.09 France, Paris @ La Scene
4.02.09 Germany,Hamburg @ Ballroom
4.08.09 Germany, Karlsruhe @ Jubez
4.09.09 Switzerland, Luzern @ Schuur
4.10.09 CH-Zürich, @ werk21 (Dynamo)
4.11.09 Germany, Berlin @ Frannz
4.12.09 D-Dresden @ Tante Ju
4.13.09 Austria, Vienna @ Szene
4.14.09 Hungary, Budapest @ A38
4.15.09 Poland,Warszawa @ Progresja
4.16.09 Poland, Poznan @ Piwnica 21
4.17.09 Poland, Kraków @ Zascianek
4.18.09 Poland, Wroclaw @ Od Zmierzchu Do Switu
This is a quote from Mark Shuttleworth's post at September 8 about the introduction of Ubuntu's Jaunty Jackalope, but since I've been living without an internet connection since the beginning of October, it is quite new to me.
The Warrior Rabbit is our talisman as we move into a year where we can reasonably expect Ubuntu to ship on several million devices, to consumers who can reasonably expect the software experience to be comparable to those of the traditional big OSV's - Microsoft and Apple. The bar is set very high, and we have been given the opportunity to leap over it. It's a once-in-a-lifetime chance to shine, and we want to make sure that the very best thinking across the whole open source ecosystem is reflected in Ubuntu, because many people will judge free software as a whole by what we do.
To me, this sounds very promising, and I'm really looking forward to this release (especially since I've skipped Intrepid Ibex because of my internet connection problems).
This also reminds me of the fact that I need to update the Ubuntu release counter on the bottom right of this website...