Different ways to search the net
My main search engine is Google, as it has always suited me best. But lately, I've been getting more and more irrelevant results.
It's probably caused by its own success: more and more people are (mis)using this search engine, and more and more pages are being cached.
That's not really an excuse though... when I search something, I expect that the most relevant pages are placed on top.
Microsoft's Live search is doing this for me now, but that's probably because it is still new. Now that it is being used as the standard search engine in Internet Explorer 7, I suspect that its popularity will grow fast.
After a while, Live Search too, will be filled with advertising, warez, etc.
This means I'm searching for alternatives. I will probably stick with Google, but trying out something new can't be bad.
I stumbled upon these - lesser known - search engines:
Actually, this isn't really a search engine, but combines the results of the most used search engines (Google, Yahoo!, MSN Search and Ask, and probably some more). This way, the results are a bit more accurate, as the results shown here, passed the validation of all those search engines.
This one also makes use of different search engines to display the best results.
But instead of just showing your search results in a list, it gives you a visual representation, showing the results linked to eachother.
It has a lot of search options that regular search engines don't have. Just try it out, you'll see what I mean...
For those that don't like Flash, there's a (simplified) HTML version too.