The newspage

17/10/2006 13:27:14 UTC+02:00

Geeks spotted at the facts-convention

As always, there a lot of people who were dressed up as their favourite anime/fantasy character at the facts-convention.
Maybe the entrance fee reduction had something to do with it...

I took some pictures with my brand new Ixus 800, but didn't have the time to upload them here.
They will be added later this week.

edit: click here for the picture album!

10/10/2006 12:26:09 UTC+02:00

Return of the Ixus

About a month ago, I bought myself a Canon IXUS 800 IS (also known as PowerShot SD700 IS). Dpreview's review convinced me to it.
I immediately returned it to the store, as the zoom button didn't work as smooth as it should. In fact, I couldn't zoom in at all.
One month later, they send me the repaired digicam back.

Just in time, as I'll be heading to the facts-convention this weekend!
You can check out some pictures taken with the Ixus 800 here.

06/10/2006 23:13:46 UTC+02:00

Currently working on...

Right now, I'm taking care of the admin part of the website. For example:

  • Module management: installing, configuring and uninstalling modules.
  • Management of the addons (like the menu, navigation, login, ...)
  • Site installation

As you can see, there's still much work to be done.

IEZY is a PHP and mySQL based object oriented content management system.
Copyright: Ben Van Aerde. (Stealing is baaad, mkay?)

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