First in line
Google treats this website well, as it is shown first when searching for the word iezy.
Now I just have to convince everybody to start searching for this word...
Google treats this website well, as it is shown first when searching for the word iezy.
Now I just have to convince everybody to start searching for this word...
Got a little bored of the previous design, so I made a new one on my way home.
It uses the Nifty-method described in my previous post, which is really easy to use.
I'm using float for the menu, I hope I won't regret this...
The other day, I stumbled upon something nifty. With the help of a javascript file and some css, it became possible to add rounded corners to the site layout.
Right now I'm using an altered version of one of the examples given on the Nifty Corners Cube website, for testing purposes.
After a while, this will be replaced by a more original design.
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