The newspage

21/01/2010 01:41:07 UTC+01:00

Belgian Metal Gods - The sequel

Channel ZeroChannel Zero, the best metal band Belgium has ever known, split in 2007, but now reappears after more than a decade... exactly 20 years after the band was formed! It seems everybody was still hoping for this to happen, as they are giving 6 concerts in the Ancienne Belgique, starting tomorrow!

No concert for me, sadly. Not that I didn't try... the AB website was just overrun with visitors trying to get a ticket. I couldn't even reach the website! For those that are in the same boat as me: Channel Zero will also perform on the upcoming Graspop concert on June 25 to 27, 2010! I don't know on which day Channel Zero will be playing, but I'm sure this will be announced soon on the Graspop website... along with the ticket price.

A brand new single - Black Flowers - was released just days ago. Right now it's only available on iTunes but that's about to change tomorrow, when the CD comes out. I'm really curious about this one, as I'm not sure what to expect. But most of all, I can't wait to hear these guys live, singing the songs that I've been playing on repeat for all those years (I think I was eight when I discovered them)!

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